Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Movie Review: The Adventures of Tintin

The Adventures of Tintin: Columbia/Paramount Pictures

"Intrepid reporter Tintin and Captain Haddock set off on a treasure hunt for a sunken ship commanded by Haddock's ancestor."

Based of the French cartoon and comic book series, the artist in me adored the animation in this film. I loved it! The basic premise was childish and not unlike the comics I used to read as a kid. The storyline was predictable, but then again, I don't know if they are taking actual strips and cartoons and turning them into movies... (yes, they are coming out with a second). 

Personal rating: 5/10
(on a personal personal level: 7/10... I loved the animation, and I love kids movies. I can't help it. :P)

Movie Review: Benny and Joon

 This movie was recommended to me by a friend, and I have to say, I hold her opinion in the highest regards because of this movie. In the beginning I was a little confused on the roles and relationships that were revealing themselves, but overall, it was a fantastic movie. It jumped to the top of my favorite movies list after watching it once. 
Johnny Depp is a phenomenal actor, and this movie simply reinforces that opinion I have. He is bloody fantastic with whatever he does. 

Personal Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Movie Review: Office Space

Office Space: 20th Century Fox
Plot Synopsis

I watched this movie yesterday with my wallmate. I had heard from several people that it was a good movie, and I highly enjoyed it! (My Sociology Professor even showed us a clip from it during class one day... :P)
I love when movies, books, anything portrays overbearing government control, corruption, or a general top-heavy hierarchy system.
It definitely had it's funny moments, even if there was a bit lacking from the overall story. It felt a little rushed at points, but overall, I really enjoyed it, and I can see why it is so popular. ^^

Personal Rating: 6/10

Movies To See List:

 I started a sticky note on my laptop of all the movies I need to see, whether they be reccomendations, new movies to come out, or trailers I have seen that seem like a movie I would like.
I compiled the list, and decided to keep track of them here. ^^ I will update this as often as I can... well, as often as I watch a movie on it, I suppose. :P

I have listed them here with links to their imdb page (Internet Movie Data Base), their release dates, and the rating that was on their imdb:

28 Days Later (2002) - 7.6
21 Jump Street (2012) - 7.7
Adventureland (2009) - 7.0
The Avengers (1998) - 3.5
The Avengers (2012) - N/A
Airplane (1980) -7.8
Battleship (2012) - N/A
Benny & Joon (1993) - 7.0
Big Fish (2003) - 8.0
Black Cat (2004) - 2.4
Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961) - 7.8
A Clockwork Orange (1971) - 8.5
Coco avant Chanel (2009) -6.5
Dark Shadows (2012) - N/A
Despicable Me (2013) - N/A
Die Hard (1988)- 8.3
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012) - 6.6
Forbidden Kingdom (2008) - 6.6
The General (1998) - 7.2
Green Lantern (2011) - 6.0
Hairspray (2007) - 7.0
Hancock (2008) - 6.5 
The Help (2011) - 8.0
Horton Hears A Who! (2008) - 7.0 
Hostel (2005) - 5.8
Hot Fuzz (2007) - 7.9 
Hugo (2011) - 7.8 
The Hunger Games (2012) -  7.7
I Am Legend (2007) - 7.1
Inglorious Bastards (1978) - 6.6
Iron Man 3 (2013) - N/A
The Iron Lady (2011) - 6.4
The Last Airbender (2010) - 4.5
Lockout (2012) - N/A
The Mechanic (2011) - 6.5
Mirror Mirror (2012) - 5.7
Miss Representation (2011) - 7.3
Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969-1971) - 9.2
Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011) - 5.9
Napoleon Dynamite (2004) - 6.8
Office Space (1999) - 7.9
ParaNorman (2012) - N/A
Pitch Black (2000) - 7.0
Puss In Boots (2011) - 6.7
Rio (2011) - 7.0
RoboCop (1987) - 7.5
Salt (2010) - 6.5
Sanctum (2011) - 5.7
Skyline (2010) - 4.5
Snatch (2000) - 8.3
The Social Network (2010) - 8.0
Source Code (2011) - 7.5
Step Brothers (2008) - 6.7
Step Up: Revolution (2012) - N/A
Superbad (2007) - 7.7
Super 8 (2011) - 7.2
Supercop (1992) - 6.8
Surf's Up (2007) - 6.9
The Usual Suspects (1995) - 8.7 
Whip It (2009) - 6.9
Wrath of the Titans (2012) - 6.2

I'll try to review most of them, but I am going to avoid spoilers as much as possible... just because I know how people can be about those. XD

(If you have a favorite movie that isn't on this list, and you would recommend I watch, let me know! ^^) 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Movie Review: Hugo

 Hugo: (Paramount)

"Set in 1930s Paris, an orphan who lives in the walls of a train station 

is wrapped up in a mystery involving his late father and an automaton."

I watched Hugo the other night for the first time.
I have to say I really enjoyed it.
It got a little cheesy and too perfect for my taste at the end, but the overall idea I thought was cute.
That Automaton was CREEPY. I kept expecting it to like, come alive and kill someone...
The actors were well-picked... and the storyline overall was pretty consistent... a bit predictable, but enjoyable nonetheless. ^^

I adore the dedication he (Hugo; Asa Butterfield) had to his father's (Jude Law) aspirations. The project that they were working on together;the Automaton, and the notebook were the last things he had of his father... well, those and the workings of clocks.
Movies that involve orphans or mistreated children break my heart. Any type of broken family hits me really hard, because I couldn't imagine not having and/or losing my family. They are very dear to me.

Overall, I would give it a rating on my personal scale of a 7/10. Purely for personal reasons. ^^

Friday, March 30, 2012

Avatar: The Last Airbender

I first heard of A:TLA when one of my friends from back home was talking about it. She had said that she liked it, but that was back in the day when I wasn't allowed to do most things, and other things I was too proud to do.
But, when I came to school, one of my friends showed me part of the abridged version.
Which, I have to say, was highly humorous. ^^

But, now I am watching the real thing, for real.
Legend of Korra is being released, and I actually want to be part of this fandom... from the beginning. I like that they empower the female characters... give them some class. Give them some strength. Not make them... well... womanly. ^^

My roommate and I started watching... last week, I think it was.
Then today, after RCA [Role Call Association; our cosplay group on campus] met up to redecorate the display board in the University Center, we got pizza and such and hung out in my dorm room watching it.
We are now on Book Two: Chapter 9, I do believe.

As of now, these are my impressions and/or feelings on the characters:

Aang: he is the main character, and he is a child. He is also entrusted with this awesome power that he doesn't know how to control. Overall, he is a fun character, and the amount of cocky and assertiveness is easily balanced with his child-like carefree and joking attitude.
Katara: she is the responsible, level-head female. Sure, she's got a little bad-assery in her, but for the most part she is the mediator... the calm one. She can defend herself and stand her ground when she is fighting, but overall... not too hardcore.
Sokka: I love him! He is definitely comic relief, but he also has a severe devotion and dedication to friends and family. He's been put in charge of things at a young age, so he tries to be the bold, brave, confident one. I also think he feels left out at times, because he isn't a Bender. But, he doesn't get down about it.
Toph: so. hardcore. She is a definite favorite. XD She is any girl's dream... bold, confident, daring, independent, and her family thinks she is weak, and needs protection. But she isn't. Because she is young, a female and blind, she is considered less than what she is. And she disproves all of that. She is an amazing character, even if she is short-tempered and spoiled.
Zuko: Zuko. Baby. Honey. Come here so I can hold you... My heart breaks for him, poor dear. All he wants to do is win the attention and approval of a father who is never going to give it to him. And he is too proud to ask for help, so he denies his uncle. I can see why he would hate his sister... she is a sadistic little instigator. But I think Zuko needs to step down from his pedestal and away from his father. Either that, or just kill the bloody bastard and take what is rightfully his.
Iroh: Zuko's uncle is the father Zuko should have had... he lost his own son in war, and 'adopted' Zuko as a result of both his loss and Zuko's lacking. His tea and advice are both good for Zuko, but Zuko is too confused and clouded by his father's denial. Iroh simply cares about what happens to his nephew, and goes along with everything he does, allowing Zuko to be independent, but he is always there when he is needed.
Azula: A bitch, but an amazing woman. She is definitely a go-getter. XD She fights for what she wants, and she is a well-crafted character. The younger sibling who is good at everything and shows up the older one, winning daddy's affections... She is bold, confident, and ruthless... I am curious to see how she falls, if she does.
Ty Lee: She is a total badass. All three of these girls are. But she is also very... womanly. XD She accents females in the typical manner, I should say. She is an acrobat, which is legit... and she uses her skills to temporarily paralyze people, making them unable to Bend.
Mai: Always bored. XD I like her... and her fighting style. I don't think she can bend, but she is always shooting and throwing knives, arrows, etc. She is quick and dangerous. all three of these girls are. Although Mai kind of grates on my nerves... she's just so conceited, like she is just too good for everything.
And of course, Appa and Momo and all supporting, one-episode characters... gotta love them all. ^^

It's a well-written show, and I am anxious to see it through to the end; one more thing I need to do. -.-
BUT, I enjoy it, so it's all good. ^^

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Things To Get Done:

Well, I had a nice relaxing day of not doing anything productive at all...
I guess I can't say that; I showered and I washed dishes. ^^ And I am going to do laundry later this evening [currently 10:39 PM].
I watched The Lorax online... I have to say, I really enjoyed it, even though the only videos I could find online were really bad quality. BUT... once I started, I didn't want to stop, y'know? So, I got through the whole thing... and it was cute. ^^ I loved it.

I like him when he was getting rich... like, when he was a bad guy. (He reminds me of the Riddler from batman... I think it's the attire.)
I also cannot stop listening to the the song How Bad Can I Be? from the sound track. It's just... I don't know! I really like that scene from the movie, so maybe that's why I like the song. XD The soundtrack was a lot of fun... I really enjoyed the entire thing.
Overall, it was a good movie. ^^
[p.s. Biggering is a good song too... it wasn't in the original soundtrack... JUST... GO WATCH THE MOVIE AND DOWNLOAD THE ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK XD)
What movie I really can't wait for is Brave... I have a feeling like it's going to be one of my favorite movies (based solely on previews).

[He is so precious to me~]
But, on to the purpose of this post;

Writing a list of things I need to get done:

1. Illustration Project: Priority 2.
               Initial sketches/poses ~ Collaborative first draft ~ Practice final draft [in ink] ~ Trace onto    
                         water colour paper ~ ink wash and pen final
[Due: 2:00 PM Wednesday 4 April 2012]
2. Twentieth Century Art and Architecture Test: Priority 1
              Check email to see if professor has replied yet ~ Collect extensive pile of notes ~ Read        
                        coordinated chapters/notes/slides ~ Use Kelley's notes to filter through notes ~ Read
                        modified notes ~ KEEP READING EVERYTHING UNTIL YOU MEMORIZE
[Due: Unknown; Tuesday]
3. Math Test: Priority 3

             Figure out which chapters the test is on ~ Read chapters ~ Download emails from professor ~    
                        Write out how to do problems in notebook ~ Copy table from book
[Due 7:00 PM Wednesday 4 April 2012; potentially]

....why I didn't just write those in order of 'priority', I will never know...
Anywho~ I am wondering if I should start tonight... I SHOULD... gah. But I don't want to... -.-
I want to watch a movie, honestly.
I'll work on #2, the test... because I was supposed to take it today... but I didn't.

Yeah... and then I will watch a movie as a reward... I'll just have to come up with one. ^^ I have a list that I can pick from.

Farewell! [For now!]

10 April 2012
2:24 AM:
Yeah... I switched everything around... I didn't make up my test for TCA&A... I photocopied my text book for Math, and I ended up making my final project for Illustration out of graphite and charcoal.
But, now I am moving on to the next step in everything I need to get done. A new list; a new day. That's how it seems to go. ^^