Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kingdom Hearts

I've played a little of both Kingdom Hearts I and Kingdom Hearts II, but I would really like to play all of them completely...
Most of my friends from school have played most of them, and I am in a Kingdom Hearts RP... So they have all played them as well... and they all say that they are such good games...

I want to play the games... and understand the story line.

When I first heard of them, I scoffed at the idea... just because, y'know... Disney, Donald, Goofy, the cheesy lines, etc. all seemed childish... but the story is actually pretty interesting (and confusing as all hell) and semi-deep. I mean, sure, it has it's corny moments...
But I love watching my roommate (whom we will call.... Kiwi) play them.
Kiwi actually was the first person to tell me about them... and I knew she was like, obsessed with it. XD I bought her a poster for Kingdom Hearts II, when I didn't even know what it was. lol I just recognized the characters and design and such, and bought it...


That was a LONG time ago, it feels like... that was our first semester here at school. lol

Now, I know a lot... mostly from looking things up, watching Kiwi play the games, and asking questions about it. I RP as Larxene from Organization XIII... and I like her. A lot of people don't because she is a 'sadistic bitch'... but she is a woman who can stand on her own.
My friends had decided that I would be perfect for her, because when I first came to school I was very... brash and upfront. XD I was a bitch, more or less...
Once they got to know me better, however, they realized I am way more of a pushover.

But, Larxene was my first 'cosplay'. And I love her. I don't think I would want to be anyone else in the Organization, honestly.

Kiwi is my Roxas and Tater is my Zexion... :P Here at school I also have a Xemnas, Marluxia, Demyx, Axel, Namine, Vexen, Saix, and Xigbar (I've actually got like, 4 Xigbars in my life XD).

In our RP we've got:
Xemnas, Sora, Riku, Vanitus, Ventus, Aqua, Roxas, Axel, Zexion, Replica Riku, Demyx, Xigbar, Xion, Kairi, and a Larxene (of course). :P

I love them all; they are all so much fun. ^^ I've never RPed before this... I've written fanfiction, but it's different. We're all like family; it's funny.
I do some RPing... not too much, since most people don't really like Larxene as a character, and therefore their characters aren't going to associate with her, canon-ly. But that's okay. ^^ In the AU RP I ended up being Demyx's 'Mean Mom'... but I can't imagine being a mean mom in real life... so I am really working against that. XD
overall, it's fun, we chat a lot as a group and it's awesome. (and the ships... oh jeebs the ships XD)

But yeah... that's all I have to say about Kingdom Hearts right now... (28 March 2012 is the ten year anniversary of when it first came out, and it's all over Tumblr, and my roommate is playing it, and the RP group is flipping shit about it... so that's why I am getting all the feels and such. Therefore: blog post. XD)

Love you all, and it's time for me to sleep~ Until next time~

<3 AwesomeFace

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