Monday, March 26, 2012


So I was on my Tumblr the other day (per usual) and I came across a list of ideas of things to do, kind of like, 101 ways to get kicked out of WalMart, y'know?
And one of these ideas was "Wear a shirt that says Life and hand out lemons to people."


Who thinks up brilliant things like this??

So, I decided that at a con in the near future, I would love to do just this.
I don't know exactly how I am going to approach this...
I was thinking, play of off the game LIFE (y'know the one I'm talking about... with the spinner, and the little cars with the little color-coded peg people). I could just play it simple and put like, the LIFE logo on a shirt and wear all white...

But there is also Life cereal.
I could do something there.
Hm... the possibilties...

Well, I guess it's good I have time before the next con. XD

[which is, in fact, Otakon in Maryland. We are going out ('we' being my roommate and our current wallmate. We are soon going to be living together in an apartment together. Well, it's specifically called a townhouse, but I will forever use the terms interchangeably.) to this con and we are going to be able to meet some friends we made through an RP. which, I will elaborate on at a different point. XD]

So... yeah.
That con is at the end of July.
Only about a week after my birthday.

Life is going far too fast for my liking. I would like to breathe and take a step back to enjoy the scenery.
But, I guess that's the price we all pay for being First World people. :P

But I was just wanting to get that out there... I need to start brainstorming these things...
and coming up with a cosplay list.
And work on my Illustration project... study for Math and for Twentieth Century Art And Architecture...
And like, live..... eat, sleep, shower, get a job, earn money, pay for things... etc. etc. etc....

Our lives are so short, and we spend so much of it doing the same thing over and over. XD

People are silly.

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