Tuesday, March 27, 2012

So... We Meet Again...

Okay. Okay.
Tuesday 27 March 2012 1:38 PM

My roommate and I woke up late this morning, and rushed off to our Sociology class.
We are watching Capitalism: A Love Story which really gets my political side all up in a bundle.
But, after that we walked back and got some lunch [it was so windy, A TREE was blown over. A TREE. I was holding on to my hat for dear life.]
I ate a light lunch; spinach, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower... just because I am a little nervous about this interview here. I can't eat very much.

But, I am getting things ready... I will be showered and dressed within the hour, and I have class at 4:00.
My wallmate (let's just call her... Tater)... Tater is going to pick me up from the Art and Design building at 5:15, because my interview is at 5:30. I will have to leave class early, which is kind of bad cause I have a test on Thursday in that class [Twentieth Century Art and Architecture... (TCA&A) ] and I missed the last class, because I fell asleep... oops.

I am nervous, as I always am before something important, or even semi-important happens to me... so I figured I would start this post, y'know... in case I died. or something.

I will return afterward with the results of this monumental happening.

To Be Continued....

I went to class, and fell asleep (because I am so useless like that :P) But, my class has breaks halfway through, so I just left then.

Tater drove my car up to the mall so I could eat something for dinner on the way up.
I made it with a minute to spare!
But, overall, the interview went well... I just don't think I will enjoy working here.
At all.
I hope I get another job soon.
But, I have high hopes for this one. ^^ At least in obtaining the job... :P I am not going to like it, but I will put up with it.

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