Monday, March 26, 2012

Religion: The Initial Debate [No, I Am Not A Religious Fanatic... I Just Have An Opinion... Don't You?]

I have had several discussions with people who are not associated with any religious belief, and I find it rather hypocritical and rude for them to get offended when people try to press them into believing in a certain religion, but they feel justified trying to prove religion wrong, and that what we believe should be changed... Do you get what I am saying?


No, I am not a crazy religious fanatic who is going to judge you and tell you how to believe. I was simply raised in a strict religious environment in a small town, so it is a big part of my life. 
I am currently caught between a rock and a hard place: believing in something that I grew up with, or agreeing with the logical side of things that I can plainly see.
Also, please don't try to convert me... it won't work. 
Religion is personal, and you are completely entitled to yours and your opinion. But don't get upset when I believe in mine and my own over yours. It's mine; something I hold dear, and something that is unique to only me. 

Just like yours. 
So keep your belief. 
And be proud to stand for what you believe in.


I was sitting in the MP [Market Place, the school cafeteria] today, around 8. I had hurried down there to get something for dinner before the MP closed. I got my food and sat down at one of the high tables near the entrance. I like the high tables, I am glad that they put them in there this year. Unfortunately, I chose a spot close to others, but that couldn't really be avoided since a lot of people were down there, and pretty evenly spaced out.

But this particular guy and girl were discussing religion.

Well, not at first.
When I say down, he was talking about being depressed and how if you are sad you shouldn't smoke cigarettes, because it makes your blood pressure go up. (If this is true or not, I do not know, I am simply repeating what I heard.)

Then they continued on talking about their friends and relationships and such... I semi-tuned them out, just because I had no idea who they were talking about.
But, as the conversation continued, I caught a comment about religion, and how one of the girl's friends is religious.
The guy at the table, (let's just call him... Adam)... So, Adam here starts talking about how he was raised Catholic, and I think he was talking about how he knew, he just knew one day that what he was doing wasn't right (for him).
This girl, (let's call her... Anne) (yes, today is name's that start with 'A'... gtfo XD) said that she was raised without a religion.

They continued discussing it for a while, as I slowly ate, totally eavesdropping (no shame), and Adam makes a point (not exact wording, guys, this was hours ago):

"When you are growing up, you are highly influenced by your parents, and if they happen to be religious, well, then that is your influence."

That makes total sense, right guys?

But the thing that Adam said next, was what really got me:
"If people were uninfluenced by religion until they turned 18, no one would believe."

It was like, a smack in the face.

This is so true.

We have been Socialized into thinking the way we do. It's inevitable. Socialization is a very real thing in our lives; completely unavoidable. We learn things from the people around us; we are continually being taught through bias.

[Random Tangent-
As a culture, the world and all of it's different views, beliefs, races, etc...
We all have 'fads'. We all follow what is considered either 'right' or 'cool'. 
We develop these, and it's the herd effect: it only takes one or two people
to make something look desirable, and then everyone is falling head over heels
to either discard or obtain something, and I feel religion is one of those things, currently.
I don't know... maybe it's because I grew up in a small town, where a lot of people 
are religious and I am only now being exposed to the rather large number of agnostic, 
atheist,  or whatever term you prefer for your beliefs.
I feel the same way about a lot of things, not just religion. but that is another post.
I don't want the entire world hating me all at once. ^^]

And, yes, I am religious, but not in a condescending way. There is nothing that sets me off more than someone who tries to influence someone else's opinion, no matter what it is or the circumstances. People are individuals, and should be left to their own devices.
But Adam's comment... it was almost heart breaking in it's truthfulness and honesty.


The conversation continued on, to both Anne and Adam discussing ethics and morals, and how people should do things from the good of their hearts, not because they fear condemnation. I have two main points to cover, because this is a very common argument I see arise when I discuss religion with others:

(And please do keep in mind that everything here is MY PERSONAL OPINION. I am affiliated with a religious sect, but I am not revealing that to you. Religion is something I hold dear, and it is something that is very personal to me. So these are my views and mine alone.)

A] Fear is a very strong motivation, but it is not the singular motivation of all religious individuals. 

In religions that observe the Ten Commandments, is not one of them: "I am the Lord, thy God: thou shalt  have no other Gods before me"?

In the religious literature that I used in both Sunday School and Confirmation, a summary of the Ten Commandments was written and it says:

"I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God..."

And after each of the Commandments, there are short summaries, which help explain the Commandment, all beginning with: "We must honor, fear and love God..."

We must 'fear' him.

See, the thing about religion, is that everything is vague. Everything is open to interpretation. It's all about mindset. And mine, in accordance to the way I was raised, and the moral/ethics I have gained and developed, I truly believe that God is something to be feared in a sense of, he is the Master of All Things. He is the Divinity. He is the Almighty.

[Another Random Tangent- 
In the Road To El Dorado, an animated Dreamworks film, 
Tzekel-Kan tells both Miguel and Tulio, whom the city of El Dorado 
believe to be Gods: "My Lord, these people will not respect you 
if they do not fear you." I know, those of you who know what 
I am talking about, things... weren't so awesome for the civilians... 
but it's just something small I would like to point out.]

Religion dates back hundreds and hundreds of years. Sure, some people say it is primitive, that people cling to it because it is comfortable, and traditional... And this may be in part true.

The Facts Are:
Throughout history, people have developed stories to explain things that they couldn't understand.
Religion is developed because we do not understand what happens after we die.
We have discovered many things through research, science and logic, but we still do not know what happens in the after life.
Therefore, religion is something that I think society needs to some extent. Not everyone was always a believer, and not everyone has to be a believer or a follower. Those people have accepted a different explanation to the riddle of afterlife.
Religious people just have a different way of viewing it, and a different approach to the idea as a whole. 

[A Third Tangent-
Yes, I know I am not getting into the political aspect of the 
situation. And I understand there is a problem.
This post would just never end if I were to include
each and every detail I would like to.
Maybe I'll make a different post about it another day.]

There are people who have good intentions and people who have bad intentions on both sides of the fence. Just keep in mind of stereotyping, because we all do it.

B] Not all religious people 'do good' because they fear condemnation. 

Honestly, I can say that, sadly, Condemnation, and the circumstance of my eternity is not something I take into consideration all day every day. It is something that terrifies me.

I do believe in the existance of both a 'good' and a 'bad' place, whether they be called 'Heaven' or 'Hell' or otherwise... the only thing I worry about is, what have I done with my life. Which way will the scales tip when my time comes?

I believe in the power of forgiveness. I do believe that wrongs can become right again, if done with an honest and pure intention.

And just as a note, I think, for all those people who find religion so wrong and corrupt, there are fewer and fewer 'honest' religions out there, I feel. (Remember, everything in this post is my feelings, and position on this matter alone.)

You hear terrible stories about things that religious people do, and I am not going to list the things that have been publicized; you can look those up yourself. Sure, some people say that the things they do are backed by religious reasoning...

But I feel that, if I want to go somewhere happier, after I die, I need to go through life honest, clean, and open. I need to take the hits, because they are trials. They are purposefully placed there, to see if I am worthy; if I can hold steadfast in my faith, no matter the circumstance.

What other people do with religion is none of my business, unless it is harming others. Religion is a mindset. Religion is a belief that we can be better people for a higher cause.


And there are people out there who give religious people a bad name. Isn't there people out there who do that for every group, organization, sect, race, sex, any type of group of individuals who have one thing in common?

Stereotyping is the real criminal in all of this.

We live in such a fast-paced society, that we need to generalize, and it comes to a point where we cookie cutter people the minute we learn something about them.

And that is wrong.
It's so very wrong.

But it's what everyone is doing.
And there is nothing we can do but change ourselves.
You can't press religion onto other people, just like you can't press opinions onto other people.
People just need to be educated with the truths, and we need to make up our own minds.
And I don't mean religion. I mean, you need to do right by yourself, by others, and by your conscience; religiously or not.

[Again, please keep in mind everything said here is my own personal opinion and belief. 
Take from it what you will.]

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